Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sunday? ♥


I thought today would be a nice day?

I want to go book shop but daddy say sister wanna sleep so go home D:

F***you.Why that the oldest one must always let the youngest one?Logic?;/

I'm gonna use up the internet time now,tonight I'm not gonna use,hmph!

So sad can't go PC fair,tomorrow got school;/

Never mind still have many chance;/cheer myself.LOL!

After the internet time end I'm gonna hide in the room with my lovely novel again;p

Maybe only that can make my mood better.

Miracles happen? Yesterday an old friend added me in facebook,this friend almost
7year dint contact (:

My grandma's neighbor's grandchildren XD It was my primary school friend too!

Haha,so glad that we contact back.heeee;D

These two day i bought a lot stuff;/

I bought a new dark blue umbrella XD Thats my 3rd umbrella,the first one was light blue and the 2nd one was purple (:

And i also bought Munchy biscuit , horoscope magazine,new file,ball pen,shorts,test-pad etc etc. (:

My daddy gonna broke soon;p Muahahahahaha!

Off to lunch ,the right hand side have a new picture!;D

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