Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Freaking Emo

Tuesday Devil:@

Early in the morning sis cry and wake me up!!

What the hell`making me mad:S

Yesterday night i slept at 1.ooam and wake on 7.ooam+!!

Then go bath@,@ After bath also kena F*** by dad`speechless:X

Head to Kuchai have my breakfast!Suck breakfast ever!

Rain`back to home:<

Noon 2.30pm walk to carrefour find muii''Karrao''& ''HangChen''♥

Hangai`have a nice day with them:DD

Then walk back to tuition`damn tired@,@ no mood study at all:'(

After BI tutiion when to Ajimal find Brandon yamcha with shauchun too:D

Today totally skip math classes and SN classes!

Kena called by MRTHAM again:x

7.oopm+ dad come super fetch me`kena F*** by him again!

What the hell man!today i'm gonna kena F*** how many times??issh><''

Night a girl invite me play msn game with her`see she so small play with her luu`

How i know she is 15 years old!!ishh`bluf me!!

Kena F*** by her somemore!!

One day need kena F*** how many people??

Make me Freaking emo!

I'm just so sorry to you if you got read my bloggie`

I blocked you in my msn`

I deleted you in my facebook`

I deleted you in my contact list`

Just because i can't accept how many truth you never tell me`

You just lying me in the 2month!

Although i know you dont mind`and i know you'll more happy`

So just get your life and ''like''your her!

Miss Mun (U)

I feel she are so stupid`

Why she so rude`

Why she so noob`

Why she so useless`

Why she will let people bluf`

Why she believe people love her or treat her good`

Why she not dare to say out the feeling for someone`

I know she lack of brave`